The role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of banks and other financial intermediaries has been evolving over time to acquire increasingly enhanced status. In recent times, the RBI and other financial regulators have tended to recognise the CFO as a critical senior management functionary who could potentially strengthen governance and can therefore, among others, facilitate more effective regulatory oversight.
Building on the last two CAFRAL programs for CFOs, this two day-long Conference will deliberate upon recent regulatory, legal and technological developments which have implications for the remit of the finance & accounts (F&A) function and role of the CFO.
More particularly, the Conference would discuss how advanced technologies including cloud computing and blockchain have started reshaping the finance & accounts function and how they could potentially redefine the role of the CFO.
The Virtual Conference will cover the following topics/ issues:
- Regulatory and legal developments relating to CFO and the F&A Function
- Bank Governance, Corporate Governance and CFO
- Expectation of the Board and ACB from CFO and finance team
- CFOs Role in Cross Functional Collaboration
- CFO and Enterprise Risk Management
- Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation in Finance & Accounts Function
- CFO and Cloud Computing Decisions
- CFO and Strategic Balance Sheet Management
- Changing Shape of Finance and Evolving Role of CFO
- Valuation: Recent Developments