The Company Secretaries and the Secretaries to the Boards of Banks, NBFCs & Financial Institutions play a significant and important role in ensuring the compliance of the Company and the Board of Directors with the relevant laws, rules & regulations, resolutions of both the Board and AGM's meetings including corporate governance practices. A company secretary fosters communication between the board and stakeholders, and plays a key role in helping the board make efficient decisions, safeguarding the interests of shareholders, and making sure the company operates transparently and with integrity. The Company Secretaries and the officials working in the Board secretariat should have a good understanding of the framework for governance prescribed by the various regulators.
This VLP will provide unique learning opportunity to the Company Secretaries (CS) and Secretaries to the Boards (SB) working in the financial sector. Against the backdrop of greater emphasis laid on compliance surrounding LODR and Secretarial Standards, the Corporate Governance Standards in Banks by RBI, this VLP would deliberate on the issues that lie at the intersections of the Compliance function and Secretarial function.
- Role of Company Secretaries & Secretaries to the Boards in emerging financial landscape
- Corporate Governance & Capital Market Regulation
- Digital Transformation in Board Meetings & Governance Functions
- Secretarial Standards: Implementation Challenges
- Secretarial Audit & Compliance
- Expectations of an Independent Director from a Company Secretary